
The Window Will Close - Casey Stratton


The window will close--CasCasey Stratton

All the way back down,to the beginning and pound,on the first of these doors,there won't be any more.


  带起耳机,闭上双眼,默默的循环几遍,便会被吸进那种无法自拔的情绪中.合唱曲调和连绵不断的音乐旋律,但更能记住他的吉他即兴的重复段演奏。声音中如小雪花般慢慢融化的感觉,令人不觉心动,他的这种演唱风格与Sarah Mclachlan,Keane和Tori Amos如出一辙。

"你潜意识的压力  虎视眈眈 着你那脆弱的心,请将要关闭的窗棂,到路的尽头 谁为你打开出口,谁拯救你的生活."歌词这般写到。

Casey Stratton,他八岁开始音乐旅程,懂乐器,作曲、填词很出色。


Maybe your saving grace will be yourself 或许你隐忍的优雅就是真的自己 
You know better than anyone else 你比任何人都明晰 
and i will try to bring support 我尽全力给你以力量 
if the wolves are hovering near your fragile heart 当狼群徘徊在你脆弱的心上 
i'll do my part 我尽我事 
and in time i know you'll learn 因我知道你即刻便会明白 
all you need to know 一切你应了解的 
what you need to show everyone 那些你应展现的 

The window will close 窗将关上 
the horizon will show 视野打开 
what you already know 你已明白 
but still you will go 但仍向前 
all the way back down 记忆后退 
to the beginning and pound 从头击碎 
on the first of these doors 第一扇门 
there won't be any more 至此再无 

how many times can you play this scenario out? 你有多少机会可以将这个剧本演出? 
too many for you to count 多如星辰 
we always have to try a thousand times 总应试试 

The window will close
the horizon will show
what you already know
but still you will go
all the way back down
to the beginning and pound
on the first of these doors
there won't be any more

maybe this time you'll be fine 或许这次你会安好 
get to the other side 去向另一个世界 
get to the other side

The window will close
the horizon will show
what you already know
but still you will go
all the way back down
to the beginning and pound
on the first of these doors
there won't be any more

